Thursday, December 28, 2006

Status Report for 12/13/2006 -- 12/27/2006

Progress of these 2 weeks

1. Finish the 4th version of one-step multiple-lab installation (based on requirements of Dr. Mcmullen) and showed a demo

(1) Requirements

Implement a general installation process with the following parameters provided by the user

(2) Design & implement

The general process for deploying 3 portlets ( cimadminprj, XRaySampleData, and showmysamples ) includes following general targets:

(a) A general target for modifying portlet.xml to deploy iframe portlet

  • Construct a template xml file for the specific lab for portlet.xml
  • Replace short lab name, default page(iframe url) and about page(iframe about url )for the lab in the xml file
  • Insert the xml file into portlet.xml under $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/iframe-portlet/WEB-INF/portlet.xml

(b) A general target for modifying in 3 portlets to deploy 3 portlets

  • Construct 3 template files for each portlet of the specific lab
  • Replace short lab name and webservice endpoint with the lab’s information
  • Deploy 3 portlets

(c) A general target for modifying in 3 portlets

  • Construct 3 template files for each portlet of the specific lab
  • Make webservice endpoint and database address point to correct address

(d) A general target for modifying GuestUserLayout.xml

  • Construct a template xml file for the specific lab for GuestUserLayout.xml
  • Replace short lab name and lab name for display for the lab in the xml file
  • Insert the xml file into GuestUserLayout.xml under $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/gridsphere/WEB-INF/CustomPortal/layouts

2. Finish some improves based on demo of the 4th version and submit the latest version

(1) Endpoint of webservice

  • User provides the URL of the webservice endpoint so that any webservice can run on CIMA portal

(2) Directory of CIMA installed

  • User can choose or name directory for CIMA to install so that the installation directory is separated from the project directory


1. Issues on multi-lab installation based on the general one-lab installation process


Future work

1. Move on to multi-lab installation process based on the general one-lab installation process

2. Fix bugs in the installation process

3. Submit an updated user guide and a package of the one-step process to Kia

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Status Report for 11/29/2006 -- 12/13/2006


1. Finish 3rd version of one-step multiple-lab installation

(1) Show public information (including Current Status, Public Samples, and About this lab) for each lab on Guest User Layout screen.

  • Call a general target to add new tabs for new labs in GuestUserLayout.xml
  • Modify content of in portlet.xml for each portlet

(2) Make lab name used in portlets consistent and make lab name used for display consistent for each lab installation so that it is easy to call a general target to implement

(3) Check for cimadminprj, XRaySampleData, and showmysamples portlets and make the endpoint and database point to the correct address

(4) Change background color of CIMA banner

  • Modify layout.css, page.css, and tab.css files under directory gridsphere/themes/swamps/css

2. Finish a general target for installing user-defined web service

(1) It has two parameters which are the URL of the web service and address of database

(2) Install it to the portal

  • Files related :,, for each portlet, for each portlet


1. Installation of user-defined web service


3. Group for iframe portlet for each lab

Future work

1. Get feedback from Kia to improve the installation process

2. Fix bugs in the installation process

3. Submit an updated user guide and a package of the one-step process to Kia