Thursday, August 09, 2007

Status Report for 08/01/2007 -- 08/08/2007


Summary of data structure design for IUMSC 12 sensors Atom Feed

1. Requirements

Create Atom Feed for IUMSC 12 sensors

  • All sensors’ data in one feed
  • Each sensor data in one feed
  • Out-of-Range data from all sensors in one feed

2. Work Flow

Implementation is in Method void myHandler(String parcel) in Class Channel_sinkImpl in Package

(1) Read and parse the parcel and get SensorName, TimeStamp and DoubleData for the incoming sensor data;

(2) Find the SensorStorage for this parcel and update the according SensorStorage with the current parcel;

(3) Update the all-in-one SensorStorage with the current parcel;

(4) Update the SensorStorage for out-of-range data with the current parcel;

3. Data Structure Design

  • Super Class

abstract class CachedSensorStorage {

private Feed createDefaultFeed; // Create "feed" part of a feed -- Author, Id, Title, Link

private Entry createDefaultEntry // Create "entry" part of a feed -- Author, Title, Id, Updated

protected abstract void updateCachedEntryContent;

protected abstract String generateContentString;

public boolean updateData {

Call Method createDefaultFeed to create basic feed part

Call Method createDefaultEntry to add entry to the feed;

Call Method updateCachedEntryContent which is synchronized to update/append content based on the incoming parcel in cached Entry Content

Call Method FeedDoc.writeFeedDoc provided by AtomSphere to write feed. The method is synchronized too.


  • Sub Classes

(1) class IndividualCachedSensorStorage extends CachedSensorStorage {

ArrayList cachedEntryContent; // An In-Memory data structure to store latest parcel;

protected String generateContentString; // Generate the parcel content string from the cachedEntryContent. It overrides the method in its superclass.

protected void updateCachedEntryContent // Update data in the In-Memory data structure based on incoming parcel


(2) class AllInOneCachedSensorStorage extends CachedSensorStorage;

(3) class AbnormalCachedSensorStorage extends CachedSensorStorage;

Class IndividualCachedSensorStorage, Class AllInOneCachedSensorStorage and AbnormalCachedSensorStorage extend their super class and override two methods generateContentString and updateCachedEntryContent based on their different ways to process the In-Memory data.

4. URLs for all Atom Feeds

For all sensors' data :

For each sensor's data :

For abnormal data from all sensors:

Future work

1. SSO;

2. Netvibes Widgets.

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